Friday, March 16, 2018

Interview Questions

       This weekend we are planning to begin our filming process. So, we began to brainstorm some questions we would like to ask our first interviewee. After thinking of some questions myself, I got a clearer purpose of why we are creating the project since every documentary has a purpose. I realized that I wanted to create a piece in which we challenge the stereotypes of the elderly.

I decided to write down the questions on this sheet of paper until I realized I was asking questions further away from topic, so at the bottom I wrote down questions about my focus which was: How are the elderly perceived? What is the truth to their stereotypes? Also, I made a mini outline on what I wanted the final project to look like in the end, focusing on making the project look like a TV excerpt. As you can see form the image below, I wrote small notes down for the beginning, middle, and "end" to guide us and to keep in mind wile we film tomorrow.


     As I mentioned in my last post, I did some brainstorming on what exactly were the labels given to senior citizens. So, I came up with questions like, "Does aging make you more religious?" or "Do you  believe that the elderly are lonely and more depressed than a younger person?" We made sure to also include questions that would introduce our subject with questions such as, "How was your childhood like?" or "What was the world like when you were born? Any events? Politics?" We made sure to include to include personal questions to make our viewers feel more connected with them.
     As for camera equipment, we made sure to rent out our classroom's microphone to clip onto the interviewee, have my camera ready, as well as my tripod. We plan to have everything ready for Saturday and film at around 12:30 - 1:00 in the afternoon. So we're planning on sharing each others questions to make sure our film time goes smoothly.

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